04 March, 2008

The travel/book dilemma

My biggest, most common packing error is "Ack! I brought too many books!"

So what to do about an 8-month trip, the first five months of which will be in a non-English-speaking country? I was planning to read Neal Stephenson's Baroque Cycle, but yesterday I discovered that it's not 3 hefty mass market paperbacks like I thought, but seven, SEVEN regular sized mass markets or 3 HUEG 1000-page trades. So basically three hardcovers, in weight and size.

Maybe I won't carry that around in my backpack.

The only other good option I can think of is to bring Middlemarch or some Dickens and plan on reading at the pace of a snail, but considering the amount of airplane and train time I'm likely to have, that sounds like a sad prospect indeed.

Any travel reading suggestions?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bring one or two that you don't need to keep, and trade them on the way.
There were tons of cafes in Ecuador anywhere that tourists went for that very purpose, and I think it goes on everywhere.