02 July, 2008

Canada Day Fireworks

Photo from my flickr account

Canada Day fireworks in Japan, you ask?

Yesterday I coincidentally met with a few friends who were planning to set off fireworks along the Kagami River. Unlike in Canada, small/medium fireworks are legal, and a summer tradition. I've seen young people setting off fireworks along the river a few times while walking there, so it was cool to do the same, and although I am not a big Canada Day celebrate-er, it was fun to accidentally do something special for Canada Day in Japan.

This photo demonstrates why fireworks might be illegal... but don't worry, no injuries!


Anonymous said...

Mercy! No injuries you say? Great photo...taken with zoom lens I hope. / Mom

Anonymous said...

Fireworks are not illegal in Quebec, you can find them in the corner store! The proximity of Qc was quite evident last night in Ottawa...