24 November, 2008

Australianism of the Year

(Because let's face it: I'm not going to get around to posting another of these before January.)

First of all, let's confirm that we're all right-thinking English speakers here. Yes? Yes. So what's that coffee drink with chocolate in it? A mocha. Mo as in moment, ka as in car. Everyone with me?

Here in Australia, it's pronounced mocka... like mockingbird. What is that! As an American friend and I were saying on the weekend (we had both encountered this strange and disturbing phenomenon independently), does a mocka really sound like something you would want to drink? No, no it does not.

Those true blue Aussies are dead set wrong on this one.


Lauren Hunter said...

I agree that a mocka does not sound like something I would want to drink. Have you encountered anyone who says "salary" like "celery" yet?!

My aunt does indeed live in Melbourne.

Alyssa said...

I haven't noticed it yet, but I'll ask some people to say salary for me and get back to you!