28 November, 2008

A Chatty Post About Nothing, Really

Yesterday I bought three mangos for five dollars and ate them all in the course of the afternoon. This was not entirely a good idea, because then I didn't feel very well all evening, but man was it fantastic at the time. I highly encourage you to try it, but only if they are good mangoes and only if you are as enthusiastic about mangoes as I am, which is not really likely but who knows?

I would say "I think I will do it more often" but today someone told me that if you eat too many mangoes (like WAY TOO MANY, like THREE IN ONE AFTERNOON REPEATEDLY) you can become allergic to them. That is not cool at all. I will act with more restraint in future.

Also, I'm working at an ultrasound clinic. This means I see three or four pregnant ladies a day two or three days a week. Or more if it's busy. Today, I saw one lady who was 19 weeks pregnant but you couldn't really tell, and one lady who was 7 weeks pregnant but looked like "WHOA THERE'S A BABY IN THERE I THINK." Pregnant ladies are mysterious. I'm also learning a whole new vocabulary of medical/pregnancy words. It's pretty cool.

I'm kindof excited because my third-of-the-year-ly book tally is super high! It's only November, so I have a month to go before the end of this four month period, but I'm already on my 21st book. I haven't been reading more just to make the number higher, or anything. I'm just excited because it's really thrilling that not being in university or Japan means I can maybe read more than one book a week. Actually, 21 so far is about 7 a month. Imagine how many more books I can read over my lifetime than if it was 4 a month! Like, LOTS! Hope this continues now that I have one of those pesky job things!

The best book I've read since September is Carlos Zafron Ruiz - The Shadow of the Wind, which I recommend if you like books, Barcelona/Spain, and/or mysteries.

What are you reading? Is it any good?


Anonymous said...

Well, I've just finished "The Future of Reputation" by Daniel Solove (non-fiction about privacy in the online age - interesting) and have just started reading Anathem. I love Stephenson but after the first chapter, I have to agree with this: http://xkcd.com/483/ I will persist - I wasn't sure about the Baroque Cycle to being with, but they turned out to be phenomenal. t.

Alyssa said...

Too bad about Anathem--I hope it improves. I really have to get around to the Baroque Cycle.

Sarah said...

I will also comment here because I didn't mention this on lj- I just finished reading three books by Stephanie Meyer. They were not good. But I couldn't put them down. It was distressing.