10 April, 2009

Accomplishments on 10th April 2009

My current location is Brisbane, on a random Easter weekend journey that wasn't planned at all. And if I had stopped to think, I mightn't have gone touristing on public holidays when all of the attractions would be closed! So far the Travel Success Rate of this trip is probably about 75%.

But I'm still feeling pretty accomplished, because today I:

1. Won a staring contest with an emu.
2. Confiscated a brown paper bag from a too-hungry kangaroo.
3. Got lost on the bus in Brisbane for like the 60th time in the last two days.

I went to Lone Pine Koala Reserve. The highlights were the free-roaming kangaroo enclosure in which I also roamed free, and the flying raptor display. Note koalas absent from highlights. Those dudes just sit in trees and eat. Laaaaame.

1 comment:

Estelle said...

Did you then proceed to eat the tasty emu?