18 April, 2009

A Fortuitous Encounter

Photo from my flickr account

I am a sucker for both windmills (they're pretty, and also green power! yay!) and sunsets, so in February on the Adelaide-Melbourne road trip, I was tickled pink (actually more of an orange, as you can see...) to run into BOTH AT ONCE!

HEAPS AND HEAPS more photos of similar on my Flickr page. And they aren't even half of the ones I took. It was sheer bliss!


Estelle said...

We should make Saskatchewan look just like this!

When I was in France, we saw a windmill blade drive by, on two trucks at once with a police escort. I was surprised by how big it was, they always seem so small and cute.

Anonymous said...

what a great sunset, I too just love them from way back. When are you homeward bound. Aunt Merle Kelowna.

Alyssa said...

Aunt Merle, I'll be back in Canada in mid-June... Victoria for a week, Regina for a couple of weeks or a month, and then off to wherever I can get a job!