26 September, 2008

I have found hell...

I have found hell, and it is Shinjuku Station. Last time I was there, I fainted (I would refer you to the blog entry, but it's all rather embarassing and I'd really prefer if you didn't read it again), the time before that I got lost for half an hour, and this time I wandered around for 15 minutes or so, carrying half of my worldy possessions, trying to find the right subway line. Fortunately, I did not faint. (It was close.)

The thing that's so diabolical about it is that the signs are confusing, and moreover whenever you FINALLY AT LAST reach your destination, you almost always realize there was a much better way to get there in a quarter of the time.

I decided to stay at a hostel in Shinjuku so as to be able to go out playing in ni-chome and not turn into a pumpkin at midnight, but while roaming Shinjuku station I had to ask myself... is it really worth it?


Anonymous said...

I also got substantially lost around Shinjuku & Shinjuku station. =(

It is truly hell.

Anonymous said...

Hey, you were successful yet again! Good you did not faint. Breathe deeply now and then. Complicated/hot places(hell?)make us anxious so we breathe less, get less oxygen ... and it all becomes worse. Get more air! /Mom

Alyssa said...

Joel; it's almost enough to make one want to be good!

Mom, Shinjuku Station has no oxygen, or anything else of use or succor to man or beast--as is proper for hell.