29 September, 2008

What is this "Takarazuka"?

What did I go to buy tickets for three mornings in a row? What did I sit on the ground in line for three hours for this morning and, indeed, finally get to see? What is really awesome?


To quote the all-knowing Wikipedia, it is "a Japanese all-female musical theater ... Women play both male and female roles in lavish, Broadway-style productions - most of their plays are Western-style musicals...." I generally enjoy a good musical but am not a huge fan, but Takarazuka is just extra awesome. Even though I didn't understand much, it was super fun to watch. It's just so over the top, and the women who play men are super good at it. Today I saw The Scarlett Pimpernel, and the Pimpernel himself, in particular, was fabulous fabulous. Even though the haze of Japanese, the character's personality came through really well.

I really enjoyed the rad alto voices (the male parts). Also, there was a women-playing-men-playing-women scene, in the noble theatrical tradition of Kabuki and Shakespeare, and I love that kind of double-bend stuff.

Anyway, now I have a huge crush on Aran Kei, the star of Pimpernel. (The soloist at the beginning of this medley/preview video.)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful music, fantastic alto voice, and Grandma would have adored the costumes!/ mom